Quality Assurance
China Micro Parts Quality Policy
China Micro Parts is committed to producing high quality Precision Machined components and Swiss Screw Machine Products with our experienced and innovative staff in pursuit of building strong and lasting relationships with our customers. To accomplish this we are dedicated to the following values and principles:
F Focused at all times on delivering exceptional service for our customers
O Ongoing relationship building with our customers and employees
R Respect/cooperation in all our interactions
S Seek continual growth and improvement of our business and our employees
T Trust and Integrity is foundational in all our dealings
E Endeavor to innovate and develop improved processes
R Responsible givers seeking to invest and support our community
We will communicate our Quality Policy, Objectives and performance against these objectives throughout the Organization and to interested parties, and performance against these objectives throughout the Organization and to interested parties, and always conduct our business in compliance of all applicable laws and regulations.
It is China Micro Parts Co, Incs.'s aim that with the total involvement and understanding of all staff through the implementation of the documented Quality Management System and information meetings on the ISO 9001 and AS9100 standards, that we will meet all applicable requirements, exceed the expectations of our customer, staff and investors, and continually improve.
ISO 9001/2015 AS9100D Certification
- China Micro Parts first achieved ISO certification in March of 2005. We continue to maintain standards and are constantly working to certification regulations.
- As of April 17th of 2017, China Micro Parts is AS9100D certified
- Investment in Inspection Equipment
At China Micro Parts, we maintain a large inventory of measuring and monitoring equipment. Tight control ensures timely calibration. We are committed to investing in new equipment annually.
China Micro Parts: ITAR Registered
On December 12 of 2017 China Micro Parts rolled out it's ITAR compliance program from top to bottom. With much preparation and planning taken place the months before, we were excited to enter 2018 with this compliance program fully integrated, and have since moved into becoming a fully registered with ITAR. We strive to continually adapt and change our methods of storing technical data to meet compliance guidelines and maintain a credible registration with ITAR. If you have any further questions about how our compliance program would affect your job, feel free to contact us or address your question with your RFQ. If you would like to view out registration statement or would like to see our registrant code, click here.